Many thanks to Rob Burrett of the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe for assistance in identifying locations and subjects in many of the recently salvaged series of early David Chudy negatives.

At first I assumed that all of these large formal negatives were show pre 1947 images shot on the Copperbelt in what is now Zambia. 1947 is when David and Ellen Chudy moved to Salisbury Southern Rhodesia from Northern Rhodesia.

A substantial number of them were clearly from later – including celebrations for the visit or Princess Margaret to Southern Rhodesia in 1953. In fact this image shows her making a speech
Princess Margaret 1953 Mrewa

Here are a few archival reference images which Rob forwarded. Two match images in the gallery of early photos

Princess Margaret visiting Mrewa 1953
Royal Route
Ndebele warriors – Rhodes Centenary Exhibition Bulawayo 1953
Tanganika (Tanzania) pavilion -Rhodes Centenary Exhibition Bulawayo 1953